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 Portrait Sessions 



Grow With Me Package (N,3,6,9,1yr)



Stock Photos: Blogs & Fashion



What to Expect 

Photo Sessions


I primarily work outdoors - I pick locations depending on the look we are creating and the time of year. Usually this is discussed at booking, and then I will send a reminder and location address a week prior to your date -  due to weather and landscape changes that occur quite often in Indiana. I have clients all over the place so make sure you let me know where you are located and if you are planning to come to Evansville. 


Once we have set a date - I will then start planning out the session and gathering information from you and helping with outfit choice if needed. I supply props, and if there is anything you would like to incorporate in the session feel free to bring it! Give me a heads up so I can prepare a bit in advance as well. 

I can always chat with you over the phone or if you would like to set up a facetime meeting we can do that as well. 


Once we are on location you will have fun! Be yourself - if that is goofy great! If you need more direction I will give you that as well. Don't be afraid to tell me!


After the session you will hear from me within 2 weeks (depending on the season) and all your edited photos will be waiting for you to view them and share with your family in a gallery that is accessible via mobile devices or PC's.



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